Neither do i drink elixir
and breathe neon
Nor did God gift me
with additional neurons
Didn't your genes bear
the literacy that mine did?
Then why is it that
I am being forbid?
We went to school
dressed in similar skirts
but, you have no clue
how much it hurts
When I deserve it
more than you do
and they say they
have it RESERVED for you!
P.S. No offense meant to the deserving candidates of reservation. This poem is for people who have been well educated for generations but still make use of the reservations!
Let us be water
6 years ago
koncham strong ga undae mari lae?
(Boys film dialogue.. ha.. ha..)
people who do dis has to change
their attitude aftr reading dis..kadha..
hope dey 'll.. :)
That was a sensible thought and something the masses got to think about... I personally know people like this...
A good contribution to the society :)
'food for thought'
Good work da... keep going...
you are so Right
i hate reservation
i also feel that the backward classes are not so "backward" anymore
hel, some people even jump to backward castes just to enjoy the special favours and grants.
gr8 work
keep writing:)
you are so Right... But...
Then how to lift Backwards?
i agree...reservation is getting too much reservation i think :)
liked your words and the continuity in the poem...
nice!..really liked the poem's title!
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