Saturday, March 21, 2009


I open you and
pick one of the
several seeds inside.
First one rolls.
I bethink of a bygone
memory brushed aside.

By the time the
flavor of the second
fills my heart.
I behold the image
beloved friend
now miles apart.

Midway through the
third, I realize that
my cheeks are drenched.
Wiping away the damp
salinity, I stand.
My heart wrenched.

Exhausted with the
gush of fervor and remorse,
a sequel of your rhythmic course,
I close you with a sigh.
My Pod and I.

Golly am amazed at Apple's naming skills ;)


Bharath said...

Loved the twist in the tale..:D
So very your style..:)

Ragpicker said...

Wiping away the damp
salinity, I stand.
My heart wrenched. <----

Thats where the beat lies !!!! Gosh are you kidding me ..this aint amateur to the most remote imaginations !!

\m/ Love it every bit \m/ Keep the words coming dear !!!!!!!!!!

Sanket Rathod said...

good one!

Winnie the poohi said...

Ah interesting it is!

Anonymous said...

u make me hungry till last line and then take away the apple? :P

how mean! lots of icecream for u when we meet..! ;)

Anonymous said...

better than your best ;)

Ashrita said...

Haha.. What an amazing piece you have composed there! Love the element of surprise here!

nan said...

Ash ;)

Anya said...

id rather eat an apple... steve jobs rules...

puriyaama pesuradhudhaan nalladhu

ra said...

u keep surprising all everytime!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful at how u nibbled at Pod and seeds..

nice nice :D

अनिल कान्त said...

आपके लिखने की कला बहुत पसंद आई मुझे ...बहुत अच्छा लिखती हैं आप

मेरी कलम - मेरी अभिव्यक्ति

Kings Chaos said...

my pod and i :P :D

nice one nan