Thursday, December 18, 2008


I stood at the lane
by the pond
with an ice cream cone
Britney started singing
in my headphones

She was with him
when i reached.
Their privacy,
I hadbreached

"I think I did it again.
I made you believe
We're more than just friends."

I was sure
they were into the game
The passion, if real
would have put
the best of lovers to shame

"O BabyIt might seem like crush
But it doesnt mean
That am serious"
I was about to start
with the thought lingering
had started singing

"Oops i did it again to your heart! "

Sometime later,
she broke the bond and joined
thousands of her kind
in the pond

broken was the
bond of beleif
and the DEW DROP
had ditched


Winnie the poohi said...

ahhh tender expression! too good!

RiverSoul said...

Loved this one!

Femin Susan said...

Wow, you have a great poetic heart! Your words still echo in my ears. Keep it coming! Good job !
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த.ராஜசேகர் said...

This is really awesome!!